Want to share a photo of my do-it-yourself light box project that my husband and I did over the weekend. :) I wish I had thought to take photos of each step but didn't. There are several step by step photos on the internet though if you "google"
the term "homemade light boxes." We read several of those and came up with ours. :)
We took a cardboard box and cut three windows (one on top and one on each side). This left the back of the box intact. My hubby then spray painted the inside (and front flaps) white. We let the box dry overnight. I bought white muslin to wrap on the outside of the box to cover the cut windows. Once you get it set up on a table, you'll need one light to shine down over the top window plus two lights for the side windows. We got the side ones at Lowe's and luckily already had the top one. You'll also want to get daylight bulbs (also got them at Lowe's). I've still got to get a piece of white poster paper. I will place this on the inside covering the back and bottom BUT it will not be folded at the crease. (Did that make sense?) If it's not folded at the crease, you will not have any lines behind your object that you are photographing. I'm still using mine until I get my poster paper though. I got up to a dark cloudy rainy day so I was very happy this morning to have my new "fancy" light box. :) I've set mine up in our formal dining room (which hardly ever gets used). Not having to move or set it up each time will be great! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)
How cool! And it's great that you can leave it set up, too. Taking it down and putting it up when you need it would not be fun. If I had one like that my kitties would think it was the perfect naptime hideaway.
According to Punjab education ministry all 5th and 8th class result seekers will get pass card because according to new policy in year single one students cannot get fail card so after this good news students you will promote in next education grade.
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5th pec result 2018
8th class result 2018 pec
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