Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Water Slide Humorous Card

The new challenge at The Sisterhood of the Snarky Stampers is called "Slide."  There is nothing like a fun challenge to get your brain cells hopping.  Of course the first thing I thought of was a slider card but then I saw this sentiment and couldn't pass up making a funny card.  You know how I love to take a vintage image and do a humorous sentiment to go with it.  I remembered a vintage couple in bed being in my folder of "collected old images."  I used my We R Memory Keepers typewriter to do the sentiment.  A little "adult" humor for the Snarky Sisterhood challenge.  Thanks for stopping by and hope I made you chuckle.



  1. You know we love nothing better than a little adult humour - and this is hilarious! What a perfect match-up of image and sentiment. Nicely done! Thanks for joining the fun at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  2. Ohhhhhhh OUCH
    Now that my friend is a FACT
    Thanks for "sliding" with Edna and the sisterhood of snarky stampers!

  3. I almost spit out my tea! ROFL!!! LOVE THIS! Thanks for playing with the Sisterhood once again!!!

  4. Ha ha ha! That's brilliant! Thanks for entertaining the sistahs, Beverly, Jo x

  5. Oh my gosh ... just PERFECT!!! I laughed so hard when I saw this... thanks!!! LOVE the card!! Thanks for joining us at Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers! ((HUGS)) Helen

  6. Oh my word, this is true perfection ... you deserve the Queen title and more.
