Monday, September 7, 2015

September SOL Release

 photo SOL September 2015 Stockings.jpg
I have a quick post for you about the September Stamps of Life release of stockings2stamp (with matching dies). There is also a coordinating set called patterns4stockings. See all the fun sample cards in the Stamps of Life galley.
Hope you have had a nice Labor Day. I have spent most of it "laboring" with some projects but I did manage time for fun too. I love reading and have been thinking of making myself a "reading nook." You know a place to curl up and relax with a good book. So to make it happen, I ordered a very comfortable chaise lounge for our bedroom. We have a wall of windows where the light is wonderful for reading in the mornings or afternoons. My chair was delivered today (after being order back in July)! Yea! So I spent the afternoon getting my new reading nook created. I guess you know where you will find me reading now. I may have to order the mug I saw which says "Go Away! I'm reading!" :) Happy Labor Day (or reading day)! :) Visit again soon....I have fun new cards to share with new Stamps of Life products. :)

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